About Me
Hi! I'm JohnLee Cooper! I make videogames, but you probably already knew that since it says so at the top. I got my Bachelor's Degree In Game Design from Sheridan College in 2019, But I've been making games since I was a tiny kid. I started with board games, graduated to Super Mario World Romhacking, and eventually learned to code and make digital games of my very own! I'll even make games for you if you hire me.
Twitter: @johnlee_erg
Email: coojohnl@sheridancollege.ca
Itch: https://ergman.itch.io/

In addition to making my own games I've done a lot of game dev and adjacent work with other people. Some highlights:
Developing and Shipping Educational Mobile Games at Splashworks.com Inc
Designing and Coding at Oddbird Studio
Teaching kids how to use Gamemaker at Mooredale Daycamp
Teaching students at my old elementary school what game designers do
Having Trail Mix shown at GDC and be an Honorable Mention for IGF
Having my games shown in galleries in New York
Contributing to Rami Ismail's Meditations project
Writing articles about games
Attending a ton of game jams
Some of these things have their own pages, which you can read if you want to know more!

I also do other things besides game development, though many are tangentially related:
I play Project M competitively, ranked #5 in Ontario
I also run the official labbing (metagame research) discord and do writeups on character tech
I do watercolour paintings
I go on camping trips and enjoy canoeing
I play dnd

I don't really love talking about myself so I'm going to list some of my favourite games now and maybe those will indirectly say something about me:
Chrono Trigger
One of the only JRPGs I can unabashedly like, for it's genius pacing, interesting combat, and crazy good sprite art
I like stealth games, smooth movement, and complex levels
Rain World
Ahead of it's time, very unconventional design philosophy, and great take on Anthropocene scifi
The Beginner's Guide
I like when games are honest, and even though this one is fiction it still comes across as very personal