In the summer of 2018 I got contracted by Oddbird Studio, an award winning indie team of fellow sheridan grads, to do Game Design and Code work on one of their projects. The goal was to turn their free game Bagbox (which won the 2017 Chillenium Game Jam) into a fully featured arcade game. While the project is as of yet still unreleased it went quite well and I'm very proud of the work I did there.

I worked on the project along with two other interns, one also working on code and the other on animation.
We were given a lot of autonomy in deciding how to redesign the game around an Arcade Control Scheme and Monetization Plan.
I made a lot of diagrams and documents and we met with the core Oddbird team once a week to pitch features, get feedback, and coordinate our sprints.

The change of platform required a change in almost every element of the game, and we also were tasked with expanding the game with a full singleplayer/co-op campaign. I made extensive diagrams on:
Game Flow
AI Logic
Co-op Mode

One of the most fun parts of the project was coming up with the designs for the enemy boxers. I designed a system to let us build different fighters easily through different stats and patterns.
Heavily inspired by games like Punch Out and Fight Knight the 3 of us set about coming up with interesting visual gimmicks and attack patterns:
The Robot, whose tells are actually on the little guy controlling him from the audience
The Ninja who throws fake punches and quickly cancels them into the other direction
The Flailing Fish who is extremely fast at dodging but tires out after a time.